In 2021, there is an obvious need for remote working (considering we live in a post-pandemic world). Many companies took drastic steps towards full time working from home policies. Remote working can be positive for companies and empowering for employees promoting increased productivity and greater work-life balance. This trend does however pose an increased threat to security breaches when not safely educated on the risks of remote working. It goes without saying, that, personal devices that are used for work purposes should remain locked when unattended and have anti-virus software installed. If a company wants to offer this incentive, they should focus on educating remote employees the best safe working practices.
As we are more than halfway done with 2021 and are heading into 2022, it is likely that this trend will continue. More and more companies have increasingly hired remote workers, and those who have adapted to WFH lifestyle may prefer to work this way. The need to train employees to understand and manage their own cybersecurity is key in ensuring no attacks happen. As we’ve seen there is an increasing threat landscape targeting these individuals.
With an expected emergence in the evolution of attack vectors, Def-Logix is here to help secure your digital assets outside of your traditional business infrastructure. Be on the look out for our Security Gap Analysis and Mitigation Tool. The Security Gap Analysis and Mitigation Tools offers a new way for employers and individuals to protect themselves against new adversaries in this new era where employees work outside of their corporate boundaries.
“With an expected emergence in the evolution of attack vectors, Def-Logix is here to help secure your digital assets outside of your traditional business infrastructure. Be on the look out for our Security Gap Analysis and Mitigation Tool. ”