On April 5, 2022, excitement buzzed along the historic street in Houston Street in downtown San Antonio, TX. In a fusion blend of entrepreneurship, technology, and one of San Antonio’s largest celebrations, Fiesta, tech aficionados celebrated Fiesta Tech Trek in person.
San Antonio Chamber of Commerce partnered with Geekdom, Tech Bloc and CENTRO to host the annual trek. Twenty-five of the world’s best tech companies and organizations came out to share latest innovations and networked with business owners and passerby who were curious to learn more about the industry’s future in San Antonio.
I arrived at one of the trek’s check-in points on Jefferson Street, Devil’s River Distillery, a local hidden gem with a 1920’s era vibe. At its entrance, I was star-struck by violinist performance artist, Nathan Bibiano. Trek volunteers handed me a badge and a t-shirt and ushered me into the distillery’s underground basement.
The CyberOps Training Academy garnered interest in the spotlight. Adults and children alike were fascinated by recent developments and eager to acquire knowledge. Several signed up for the academy’s upcoming Google Dorking workshop on April 27, 2022. Def-Logix project managers featured technologies within the realm of C2 infrastructure, blockchain security, and security for remote workers.
I decided to indulge my desire to explore the landmarks on Tech Trek’s map. Afterall, who knew what treasures I was going to discover? I relished the rare opportunity to tag-a-long with the captain of the Def-Logix ship, Paul Rivera, and mingle with members of our typically remote crew.
I embarked on a mini odyssey interacting with modern day merchants, purveyors of tech services, intelligence workers, and military men. We learned about helpful networking groups like Capital Factory to assist in the expansion of our commercial efforts. I circled back to home base at the distillery where Happy Hour imbues participants with jolly conversation. My coworkers and I reconnected as we mixed and mingled with members of the Bitcoin club.
This year, Fiesta Tech Trek will be next week on April 25, 2023 from 5 PM to 8 PM. We hope to see you there! For more details, visit https://www.sachamber.org/events/2023/04/25/special-events/fiesta-tech-trek/